by Licia Berry | Jul 17, 2016 | Juicy Sacred Living, Licia's Observations, Self Leadership, The Frontier Inside
“I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.” -Anaïs Nin I’ve...
by Licia Berry | Jul 10, 2016 | Juicy Sacred Living, Licia's Observations, Retreats, Self Leadership, The Frontier Inside
Journey With Me to Southern France I’m taking a trip to my next phase of life, and I’d love to have you along for the ride! I’m off to follow the Mother Path through France. I will be visiting sacred sites on my 5-week pilgrimage to the land where...
by Licia Berry | Jun 30, 2016 | Juicy Sacred Living, Licia's Observations, Retreats, The Frontier Inside
I’m preparing for my 5-week trip to France, a pilgrimage to the land where Mary Magdalene walked and where Mary the Mother has been visioned at Marion sites. In feminine spirituality, the faces of the goddess traditionally come in a holy trinity…Maiden, Mother and...
by Licia Berry | May 2, 2016 | Athena's Library, Licia's Observations, Self Leadership, The Frontier Inside
I have heard other writers talk about their books as their babies and I thought I understood what they meant. A book is something that is carried deep inside, waiting to make its appearance in the world. It is made by you, connected to you and yet, somehow more than...
by Licia Berry | Apr 29, 2016 | Licia's Observations
Announcing the publication of my new book! I Am Her Daughter – The Healing Path to A Woman’s Power by Licia Berry addresses the unhealed Mother Wound in women, in culture, and in the world. The author shares her personal healing and offers strategies for women to...