by Licia Berry | Mar 25, 2020 | Licia's Observations
Well. Here we are. The #Covid19 ( #CoronaVirus) is gripping Earth with its talons, waking us from our slumber and disconnection. We are seeing unprecedented giving, opening of hearts, and creativity. The pouring out of generosity is heartening, beautiful, hopeful,...
by Licia Berry | Apr 4, 2016 | Athena's Library, Licia's Observations, Self Leadership
The Garden of Your Life is on full-speed Growth right Now! SPRING HAS SPRUNG! April is the month of accelerated growth…What are you growing? ~ My addiction to perfection prevented me from allowing my soul to fly. There, I said it. (deep breath)… Revealing...
by Licia Berry | Apr 22, 2014 | Licia's Observations
ENERGY UPDATE by Licia Berry April 22, 2014 The larger energy window we are experiencing is so profound I almost don’t know how to talk about it with you. My esteemed astrologer friends have been talking about the Grand...
by Licia Berry | Dec 19, 2011 | Licia's Observations
I love new cycles. I enjoy bringing intention and attention to the endings and beginnings of things; it just feels holy to me to honor the passing of something old and celebrating the emergence of something new! With that in mind, I like to consider a theme for the...
by Licia Berry | Feb 7, 2011 | Licia's Observations
Pete and I are holding a playshop in a couple of weeks entitled “Spiritual Partnership”; we are really excited about it, in a very big picture, step-on-the-moving-sidewalk-straight-to-your-destiny kind of way. When we first met almost 25 years ago, we had a sense that...